The 30-year-old fashion designer previously appeared on 'The City' with the 29-year-old socialite and would be keen to work with her again, so long as a new programme had a different format with less "drama".
Asked if she'd work on a show with Olivia again, she said: "To go against each other all the time? I mean yeah. Now it could be fun because we're mature.
"It could be fun but it just depends. I'm not in a place to do a show about drama stuff."
Despite having mutual friends, the pair have only seen each other once since 'The City' ended in 2010.
"It was just before she got married and that's the only time."
And Whitney revealed Olivia was cast on 'The City' to clash with her after show bosses realized the fireworks they had expected between her and 'The Hills' co-star Lauren Conrad failed to materialize.
She told HELLO!'s Fashion Monthly magazine: "The executive producer for 'The Hills' who then did 'The City' told me initially he thought Lauren and I weren't going to get along, but actually it turned out we became good friends.
"And then for 'The City' I think they knew, 'We're going to make it that Whitney's a fish out of water in New York City and Olivia's got her act together'. She's a girl about town so they wanted that whole dichotomy between us.
"She was always so nice to me. That was the thing. She just has this undertone of kind of being a know-it-all. Then you take that into an editing room..."
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