Cameron Hensley is an honors student atNormandy High School with plans for
college. But this year his school quit offering honors courses. His physics
teacher hasn't planned a lesson since January. His AP English class is taught by
an instructor not certified to teach it.
The first-period English class is held in a science lab because the room
across the hall smells like mildew and lacks adequate air conditioning. Stools
sit upside down on the lab tables.
On a recent day, Hensley looked at an assigned worksheet. He wrote "positive"
or "negative" beside 15 statements, depending on their connotation. "This is
pretty easy," he mumbled.
When Missouri education officials took over the troubled Normandy School
District last summer, they vowed to help its 3,600 students become more college-
and career-ready. About a quarter of the enrollment had already left for better
schools under the controversial Missouri school transfer law, extracting
millions of dollars from Normandy in the form of tuition payments to more
affluent districts.
Even so, state education officials promised a new dawn in the district, with
new leaders, better faculty and an unprecedented degree of attention from their
department in Jefferson City.
But Hensley's experience suggests things have gotten worse for many students
who remain in Normandy schools.
Hensley, 18, began his senior year to find his favorite teachers gone.
Electives such as business classes and personal finance were no longer
He has written no papers or essays since fall, he said, aside from
scholarship applications. He started reading a novel that the class never
finished. Partly because of a lack of electives, he ended up taking fashion
design first semester. He has no books to take home. He's rarely assigned
His one challenging class is precalculus.
"Last school year I was learning, progressing," Hensley said. "This school
year, I can honestly say I haven't learned much of anything."
Demetris Drummer, the AP English instructor, re-entered the classroom to see
whether students had questions about the worksheet. Then he left again.
"Snatching all the old teachers, putting in the new — it didn't turn out so
good," Ariauna Carver, also a senior, said after Drummer was out of earshot.
Drummer is one of the new hires brought in by the state. Before Normandy, he
taught for one year at Roosevelt High School, a low-performing school in St.
Louis. Drummer is not certified to teach AP English, which is supposed to be a
college-level course. Students initially were taking the class on computers.
After a few weeks, Hensley and his classmates marched down to Principal Derrick
Mitchell's office and demanded that an instructor teach them.
Drummer said he likely won't be returning in the fall. He expressed
frustration with his students, who have "gone off on me a couple of times." He
also said he understands where they're coming from.
"They've missed out on a quality education," he said. "And it's not their
"This is unacceptable for the children served by our district," wrote Interim
Superintendent Charles Pearson, wrote in a letter posted on the district's
website Saturday. "Regardless of how long it has taken for this situation to
develop, regardless of the good intentions of some, it is inexcusable that any
child should have to endure such a learning environment."
In 2014, Normandy High was the worst-performing high school in Missouri,
earning just 8.6 percent of the points available on the state's annual
performance report. Its enrollment is almost entirely black. The students come
from a patchwork of 24 tiny municipalities in north St. Louis County with
sagging income levels and employment rates.
By the time Normandy students reach their senior year, the chasm between
their achievement levels and those at wealthier, more diverse schools is vast.
Last year, nearly 40 percent of the class of 2014 failed to graduate. While some
seniors are reading at a 12th-grade level, teachers say others have reading
skills similar to a typical third-grader.
Hensley's mother, Gloria White, said she believes the state set up Normandy
schools for further failure. Her sentiment is shared by parents throughout the
district who have spoken at public forums.
But the district's problems did not begin last year. In 2010, the state
closed Wellston's failing schools and assigned those children to Normandy
schools, which had been slipping for two decades. Normandy lost accreditation
three years later. This history sits at the core of parents' anger.
Early this school year, parents, teachers and students spoke out about
escalating problems, such as classroom disruptions, inconsistent discipline and
ineffective teachers.
In October, Hensley stood at a microphone in the cafeteria of Lucas Crossing
Elementary School, where Normandy's newly appointed board gathered to hear from
parents and students.
"This year, it's like everything that was said about my school has come
true," Hensley said. "Nobody — kids, me — we really don't have purpose coming to
school. . I love my school, but I've been discouraged in my school."
Hensley now says he feels like those words fell on deaf ears.
"Everything I've said hasn't made a difference."
Nearly a year ago, members of the Missouri Board of Education convened in
Jefferson City to remake the school system. They renamed the district the
Normandy Schools Collaborative. They replaced the elected school board with a
five-member state-appointed panel, which now has full oversight of the school
system. They directed all teachers and principals to reapply for their jobs.
State education officials helped determine which teachers would stay.
Ultimately, 48 percent of the staff was replaced.
The Missouri school board president said at the time that Normandy students
deserved nothing less than the highest standards.
"As long as it's tough," Peter Herschend said. "It's got to be tough."
Teachers have described environments that have left them exhausted and
demoralized. New teachers have struggled with managing their classrooms, which
are larger in size and lack the support of teachers aides.
Some said they often spend their planning periods subbing for teachers who
quit or didn't come to school. They work a longer school day and stay after
school twice a week for 90 minutes of state-mandated training.
"Complete waste of time," one high school teacher said, asking not to be
identified. "I could have spent that time planning something for them (students)
to do."
The lack of learning in many classrooms has fueled behavior problems.
Normandy Middle School suspended nearly a third of its students one day in
the fall. The high school did the same. District numbers show discipline
incidents have dropped significantly since then.
However, when asked whether classrooms have been any less disruptive, about
six high school juniors shook their heads as they ate lunch last week in the
"We haven't really learned anything," Deboney Cherry said.
Across the table Tyron Jones added, "That's why we entertain ourselves."
Hensley considered transferring but chose to stay. He'd been in Normandy
schools since kindergarten. He played tuba in the band. He thought many in the
region had a misperception about Normandy High, and he wanted to prove them
Instead, he said, he was proved wrong.
Graduation is five weeks away. Hensley is deciding between Southern
University in Baton Rouge, La., and Jackson State in Mississippi. He wants a
career in computer science.
Like many in the class of 2015, he would be the first in his family to earn a
college degree. His mother works as a seamstress in Brentwood. Hensley has a
part-time job as a cashier at the Family Dollar on Natural Bridge Road — a job
that he'd prefer not to have beyond his teenage years.
Hensley sat down in front of a computer in the counselor's office. His jazz
band instructor hadn't shown up for second-period class. Hensley typed his
password and pulled up his grades.
"A's," Hensley said. And one B. Yet Hensley scored a 20 out of 36 on his ACT.
Automatic admittance to the University of Missouri system requires a 24.
"If I wasn't raised the way my mother raised me, I don't think I'd be going
to college," Hensley said. "A lot of seniors have part-time jobs, and they want
to stay there because they don't think they'd make it in college. I put that on
this school."
Mostly, he puts it on his teachers. Teachers often put it on Normandy
parents. The level of distrust between school and the community is high.
When the buzzer sounded to mark the start of third period, Hensley took a
seat in the second row. Other students trickled in several minutes later,
including Carver, who shares most of Hensley's classes.
"Third period is nothing to expect," she said after she sat down. "She
doesn't take attendance. No work at all. No intent to do any work."
The instructor, Ivy Word, sat in the front corner looking at her computer
screen. She's a substitute teacher who's been in charge of the class since the
start of the school year.
Some students sat at the back of the room, ear buds in their ears. Some
slept. Carver and four other girls talked about prom. Carver took out a comb and
began braiding a classmate's hair. Another girl began gluing fake eyelashes.
In classes where teachers have given up, students have, too. They spend the
hour texting friends, snapping photos and sending them by social media.
Interim Superintendent Charles Pearson listened to a general description of
the scenes in some Normandy High classrooms. He took his glasses off, looking
"I would offer no excuse for that," he said. "I have not seen all flawless. I
have not seen all horrible. I have to be candid — what you have described I have
not seen. What you have described is plain unacceptable. It's immoral. It's
In a telephone interview, Missouri Education Commissioner Margie Vandeven
called the atmosphere "absolutely not acceptable. I'm sad about what you
She pointed out that her department has not been in Normandy schools since
giving full oversight to the appointed board in January.
Across the Normandy Schools Collaborative, teachers in some classrooms are
succeeding. Pearson calls them "pockets of success."
"There are some strong teachers, and there are some teachers getting
stronger," he said.
For example, Angela Lao has every kindergartner in her class at Lucas
Crossing Elementary reading simple sentences, based on a recent visit to the
school. This is in spite of the fact that almost none of them began the school
year knowing the alphabet or having attended preschool.
At the high school, Winifred Deavens left retirement to teach math. Last
week, at the start of fourth period, she ordered two students who weren't
supposed to be in her room to leave. She worked with Hensley and about six of
his classmates on logarithms, a mathematics function usually introduced in
eighth- or ninth-grade algebra. The college-bound group practiced the work.
Those not interested in learning sat listening to music.
There's only one set of books in precalculus. Students cannot take them
Despite state intervention, there was no additional money to pump into
Normandy schools, aside from $450,000 that the Legislature approved to support
literacy. The district remains financially fragile.
In many ways, the fate of Normandy lies with the Legislature. Lawmakers are
considering a bill to modify the school transfer law. But that bill would not
place limits on the amount of tuition that area districts may charge for
transfer students.
"It's hard for anybody to say it's a stable situation," Vandeven said, later
adding: "More money is going out the door (per student) than is coming in."
Meanwhile, the number of students who have applied to leave Normandy schools
for more successful ones in the next school year has climbed 50 percent to 639 —
a number that Vandeven doubts Normandy can afford at current tuition rates.
Regardless, district officials are planning to operate schools next year.
Honors classes and AP courses are to be restored at the high school. Teachers
will be trained in June to teach them, Pearson said.
Vandeven said Normandy needs more resources to address the needs of its best
and most-challenged students.
"We've learned many lessons throughout this year," Vandeven said. "I'm sure
there are things we'd do differently."
Drummer, Hensley's AP English teacher, said he didn't want to defend how the
year has gone for these students.
"I understand why they're frustrated," he said. "I don't feel like they have
had the quality education they should have to succeed. I don't know if I should
attribute that to the state or just the genuine feeling that the teachers don't
care about the students."
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